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Adamstree Roofing

It might only happen once in the time you own your home, but at some point you’ll be forced to think about your roof. Whether it’s for roof repair, roof replacement or roof inspection,it’s important to choose the right contractor. For over 15 years, Adamstree Roofing and Construction, LLC has been providing excellent roofing service and expertise in Kansas City and the surrounding areas. Our focus is to provide you with service that is affordable and immediately available to you as soon as you may need it.

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Answers from contractors near Raymore, MO

i have a shower floor that holds water around the sides of the floor. it does not slope until closer to the drain. what can i do to build up the sides?
Jan 21, 2019
Not sure that anything will work at this time. That's usually addressed at time of installation. Tile I presume?
What is the best way to install 30" high x 72" wide x 5/8 thick double pane fixed glass in vertical wall on roof. I am replacing "cloudy"existing ones
Hi Glenn, If they are cloudy between the panes it is almost always and indication of "Seal Failure". If the windows are still covered under a 10 year warranty you should first contact the window manuf ... read more
Last edited Jan 28, 2015 1:00pm

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