With a mission to totally transform the custom home building experience, Paul Corley, Todd Hager and Scot Clark leveraged a wealth of expertise in both land development and home building to create Edward Andrews Homes. With a team of designers, project managers and sales consultants operating under one corporate structure, the company’s mantra to create “comfortable luxury” is realized through a process that prioritizes design and a higher level of planning and management. They develop vibrant communities, purposefully crafted to shape a new way of living featuring custom homes and townhomes built from the $300’s to upwards of $1 million+.
Edward Andrews Homes ranked fifth on the Atlanta Business Chronicle’s 2014 list of the 100 fastest-growing private companies, is an award-winning member of the Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association (HBA), Guild Quality, National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the Urban Land Institute, and it is accredited by the Certified Professional Home Builders Association. Additionally, its Design Center has received a Gold OBIE from Greater Atlanta HBA and a Gold Nationals Award from NAHB. For more information about Edward Andrews Homes, visit www.eahomes.com or join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest.
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