Abe has given you a great answer.
ANDY, YOUR CONCERNS ARE VALID AND ERIC & CHRIS are Spot on... COMMUNICATE AND I WOULD ADD VALIDATE. Here in the Lowcountry concerns are the same for soem clients.
Protect your custom build by Video monitoring and third party inspections by actual inspectors. In the age of Video monitoring a simple data and power drop allows 24/7 video monitorings for the owner and Contractor. Most cable compabnies will run the data drops since you will use them after. (We provide this service free now for our owners out of market.)
- Validation of Lien Releases & Material Lien based on scopes and agreements, the pitfalls are in the contractual managament
- Notice of commencement filed at the County Gov't (Best 15-50 dollars an owner and GC can spend)
- video updataes weekly or pictures ( GOOGLE + | FACEBOOK | OR A MANAGEMENT SOFTWEAR )
You must haVe a good relationship, trust your builder, and Confirm
Good answer by Abe. We prefer to use fixed contracts with our clients. We have clauses in our contracts for unforeseen itesm such as concealed structural damage or inadequacies. I fully agree a professional remodeler, that knows what they are doing, should be offering a fixed contract.
With a lump sum contract, all the risk is placed on your contractor. If you want assurance, a lump sump contract with a professional remodeler will give you a guaranteed price... but be sure you have a clear understanding of change orders and hidden condition clauses in the contract, as well as finding out if any allowances are realistic. Cost plus, you take on all the risk. Everything is billable, and the contractor has no risk for this. In return, you might be charged a lower markup. So if you are willing to take on some risk or if you have a highly evolving project, a cost plus contract might help you. You must have a clear discussion of maximum price and be prepared for price escalation, though. Any other question on the subject?
Some states do not require registered design professionals to handle new single-family construction and renovation. If your project is relatively straight-forward or does not require extensive creative design, you could consider a residential designer - AIBD would be one way to locate those design professionals, though many excellent residential designers are not affiliated with a national trade association.
One you've determined that an architect is the right fit, begin with AIA. Many of the state American Institute of Architects affiliates list their members by areas of expertise and experience.
Possible questions for designer candidate interviews:
Good luck with your project!
Hey Andy,
Consider setting up a DropBox account with your builder, so you can receive regular photos of the progress they are making. photos to answer questions you may have about product or performance. Email doesn't work as well because the size of emails restrict the number that can be sent in one email. DropBox allows you to not only post hundreds of photos, but you are also able to post various warranties, etc that you want to save for your own files.
DropBox is pretty convenient, unless of course you'd rather get several emails a day, charting the course of your new home.
Congratulations on the new home!
Chris Stebnitz
Stebnitz Builders
Elkhorn, WI 53121
Congratulations on building a new home! We agree that great communication and consistent updates are needed. Photos of the updated work can be very helpful. If there are any setbacks such as weather, material unavailability etc… these should be communicated to you as well so that you will have appropriate expectation for when the project will be completed.
Best wishes!
Communication is one of the big differences between custom builders. Lack of communication on simple items or steps can detrail a relationship and cause many headaches.
Go visit the neighbors or take them to breakfast or dinner. Or, send them a letter. Bring a note pad and take any notes regarding their concerns. Explain that you take pride in your home and will be doing some remodelling. This only helps the neighborhood home values as well as theirs.
While there are pros to the Nest, there are other options out there that offer more features and better home comfort control. The Prestige IAQ from Honeywell is a fantastic option.
The Prestige is a feature rich, internet capable thermostat. It has a large, full color touchscreen display. Homeowners have the option of downloading the Comfort Control App from Honeywell at no charge; so it can be controlled from any phone, computer, or tablet.
The Prestige can also eliminate the need for a seperate humidistat to control the humidifier. It has wireless outdoor sensors, so the temperature and humidity is monitored indoors and out.
The Prestige has built-in Delta T Sensors. These sensors monitor the temperature rise and drop of the HVAC system and will alert the homeowner with an email if there is a need for a service call. Service reminders can also be programmed in to email the homeowner when it is time for annual maintenance, filter changes, and humidifier pad changes.
The Prestige IAQ is the choice for our company when a homeowner wants to upgrade to an internet capable, smart thermostat.
Yes you can get custom closets installed without breaking the bank. Basic orgnaizing systems designed and installed by a closet organizing specialist will utilize all of the space in the closet, increase the amount of hanging space and will be built using quality materials. In my research, I have found that our proffssionallly designed and installed closet systems are about double the cost of what it would cost you for a system at the DIY box store BUT, with our system not only do we do all the work and guarantee it for a lifetime , the quality of the materials are far superionr to the junk they sell at the big box sotres. The design is a huge part, and I will put my qualified designers against any help that you might get at the big box sotre. Things that affect pricing are the size of the closet, number of drawers in the system and how detailed we get with accessories. Prices for a medium sized walkin closet can very greatly, you can see some examples on my website here: http://www.closet-doctor.com/closet/classic/closet-organizer-system
Depending on the application, spray foam is oftentimes preferable. Closed cell spray foam, applied properly, can also help reduce or eliminate the growth of mold, as long as it doesn't exist already. Spray foam is typically more costly, but has many benefits to include an excellent R value.