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Northland Custom Closet & Garage

Northland Custom Closets and Garage have been servicing the Grand Rapids, Minnesota area for years and have learned the optimal design process for closet organizers and garage design.

Northland Custom Closets and Garages is the premiere custom closet and garage in the Grand Rapids Minnesota area. We specialize in custom closet organizers, garage organizers and other home organizationo systems. Call us today to schedule a free consultation

Answers from contractors near Grand Rapids, MN

How can you soundproof a bedroom to prevent noises from coming out of your home in an affordable way? I live in a condo.
Rockwoll Insulation is a great way stop reduce sound.
What is the best way to handle unraveling carpet.

Luke Vogel of Roofs R Us PRO answered:

Apr 27, 2016
Wood on the enrty will help stop it, also find the end of the part of the carpet that has begun to unravel and cut it with a sharp knife or clip with a sissors and place a drop of glue on the end down ... read more

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