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Saunders Company

Saunders Company has been building homes since 1979 when Leadville was booming with over 3000 miners employed underground at the Climax and Black Cloud mines. Three years later the mines were closing and housing demand dropped like a lead ore bucket. Our focus then transitioned towards mountain vacation homes as Leadville and the surrounding area were being discovered for both their majestic mountain scenery and easy accessibility to outdoor recreational adventures. Today clients are both vacation home owners from all over the USA as well as full-time residents. We build traditional frame homes, timber frame homes and log homes. Floor plans have ranged from 900sf to over 7500sf.

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Answers from contractors near Leadville, CO

Do you have any information you can send me delineating home improvements that will add appraisal value to my home, and possibly quantify those values?
Feb 13, 2018
As a roofing contractor, of course I am going to suggest an upgrade to your roofing system. And that's not just a biased opinion either. Working with a lot of realtors in our area it has been proven t ... read more
Gardenias with yellow leaves: Our gardenias leaves are starting to rapidly yellow. Any ideas what might be wrong?

Brenton Roper of Ropa Roofing PRO answered:

Apr 25, 2017
sounds like too much water.  Pine straw has acidity in it and helps transfer the nutrients properly to acid loving plants.  Fertilizer could also be needed.  Plant nutrient deficiencies vary and somet ... read more

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