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If you use a black light you can target the urine areas soak in white vinegar leave for ten min wet vacuum as much up as you can mix up a cup of water with a quarter size dawn dish detergant put in spray bottle saturate area but don't soak. Sprinkle baking soda around on the wet area spread likghtly. let sit until everything dries hard this could take up to a day. break up the crusted area with finger tips when dry then vacuum up. it is a bit time consuming but it is all natural and it works like nothing else!
Typicaly most repairs are noticable and replacement it best. If you simply need to cove the hole and this is a typical way you keep puppy indoors, you may consider purchasing a piece of metal to cover the hole and prevent more damage. Home Depot #800537 is a quick idea.
Depending on what year your house was built, you might have asbestos in that popcorn ceiling. Typically, anything older than 1979 is a good chance that it could have asbestos; our company regularly finds that with popcorn ceilings. We always send a environmental hygenist out to our jobs to confirm whether or not a house is "hot" for asbestos. It's preventative protection for our workers.
Removing popcorn ceilings requires a lot of preparation to prevent contamination of the other areas of your home. You will need to cordon off the area (room) with some kind of plastic covering the walls, floor, and entry area - this is for your own protection. Also, you will need to wear personal protective equipment including a tyvex type of suit that covers you from head to toe, gloves, safety glasses, and most importantly - a respirator. These things are necessary to keep you safe from breathing in the microscopic fibers of asbestos and preventing you from getting asbestosis or mesothelioma (a tumor of the mesothelium, often malignant and thought to be caused most commonly by the inhalation of asbestos particles.)
Cat smell or cat urine smell?
If it is the latter, I have had success with Nature's Miracle. If the smell is just the animal, that will diminsh with time and with changing out blinds, flooring, wall coverings, etc.