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The market is coming back and strong in many markets.... Gor GC's Ensuring the Quailty of the Sub contractors labor are challanging do to the turn over and the level of quality expected. Owners should ensure the scope of work is set to protect the project Gavigan Construction ensures the quality through supervision and proper agreements
Do not lower your Standards , ever
Sometimes sediment in the pipes, or at a fitting, can dislodge and work its way through. If you can access the water filter, remove it, put a catch basin under and teat at that location. Try emptying the filter (through a strainer) while shaking.
Sometimes the weather can have more of an impact on your home than you know. Therefore, it is important to prepare your home for the winter season. For your central heat, call a heating system maintenance service NJ professional to come clean and inspect your furnace. Be sure to remove any flammable material away from any type of heater. Check your home for any cracks or crevices on the outside of your home and seal them properly. You will also need to check your pipes on the outside and inside.
Personally, during harsh winters we have a hard time motivating our construction crew to clean up as much as possible. It's really hard when it's negative degrees outside to maintain the perfect construction site.
If your on well water it most likely is sediment from the well and you'll need to change the filter and fluseh the line.
If the fridge is still under warranty I would highly reccommend that you contact the company!
Good evening, Denise.
I work for Beazer Homes, a national home builder, and would be happy to answer your question. While I don't know your specific situation I can address what we do. Depending upon the specification level of the community you build in gutters are not necessarily included in the base price of your home. In some communities front gutters are included. In others, there are downspouts provided. In yet others full gutters are provided. You would need to check the specifications that were included in your sales contract.
If you had built your home with a custom builder my thought is that it would be the same - you would need to check your contract.
I hope that helps.
Best regards,
From time to time, we get called to evaluate problems with homes, To answer your direct question, "No it's not as unusual as you must think." There are reasons as Christen and Paula have mentioned above, but I also meet home owners who would rather not have the hassle of cleaning backed up gutters, or having to replace them when damaged. There are several reasons for gutters, but in most cases gutters and downspouts simply direct water away from the foundation, and if your surface drainage is adequate they become more of an option.
Yes I think the builder should have been thoughtful enough to metion it to you. As a home owner you rely on professionals like us to guide you through those things and allow you to make knowledgable decisions. I would question them about it, but they are not necessarily wrong for having omitted them, unless they are mentioned in your contract.
Hello Denise! Thanks for your question! Has the siding been completed? Generally with new construction, the gutters and downspouts are one of the last things to go on a home. They cannot put the gutters and downspouts up until the home has its siding on it (runs over the top). If the siding has been completed, then we'd definitely agree that its a bit strange they weren't installed!
I hope this helps! Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance!
Have a great weekend!
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