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As a 69-yr old homeowner, you must establish a contract with a local pest control company. I pay $99 per year for mine but...if any termites appear...they treat it for free! Also...when you sell your home and the buyer's inspector comes out and finds you have will cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars to have them exterminated AND you cannot close until that it resolved. So, I suggest you find a reliable, established pest control co., and get them to keep a year-round inspection program with you before it's too late!
To Spray or Trap? treatment for termitets
Joe, the question you ask is a question to a deeper need in home ownership. Ask not how many times you should have your home sprayed for termites... ask what your warranty company should do for you to stay active and in place. Many home owners know about the termites that are active in the lands in our regions although the bond or warranty is more important at the end of the day. Make sure your home is protected and has a company that can stand behind thier treatment both active and passive. Check what type of system they use and chemicals. Most importantly read the warranty or Bond. At Gavigan we use a wood treatment during construction and a Taexx pest control wall sytem. If your home is built already do not worry about what was done before its more important to ensure what is current. bait traps, tests, and a good company will have a plan. Great Question...
Inspect and Validate
Billy Gavigan