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Sep 18, 2015
What is the best way to clean granite countertops
Sep 21, 2015

We use and reccommend TS&G Disinfectant & Cleaner. It is made by MIRACLE Sealants Company and you can use it safely on Tile, Stone, & Grout. It kills Molds & Mildew, Disinfects, Bacterial, Fungicidal, Cleanses, Deoderizes, & Eliminates Oders.

john barton answered:

Oct 27, 2015

We keep a spray bottle filled with the solution below on the counter and use it as needed. We apply sealer once a year.

•1/2 cup rubbing alcohol
•2 cups water
•8 drops dawn dish soap

Sep 23, 2015

Warm soappy water! Cleaning products takes away your granite sealer.

Sep 30, 2015

Using warm soapy water is the best for daily cleaning.  There are many granite cleaners on the market that will help you if you really want to scrub and bring back that original shine.  Laticrete (formerly DuPont) stone care products are great.  They make a revitilizer spray that is excellent for weekly cleaning.  It has a bit of sealer in it as well, so it will help keep those tops shiny.

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